Playart Studio Ltd.
Playart Studio Ltd.


Playart Studio

by Luca Luzzatti


Luca Luzzatti

Cosmic Extraordinary Officer

Luca Luzzatti

Born in Bergamo, Italy, on October 23th, 1980. For unknown reasons, spends most of his youth playing ninja in the neighbouring woods. Later he moves to Rimini, Italy and in the Millennium Bug year he gets a diploma as a programmer, lands his first job as video editor and develops a strong interest for arts and design. Such desire for further learning brings him to the Eternal City, where he attends the Rome University of Fine Arts. After two years’ worth of graphical design courses, communication strategies, IT labs, photography and so much more, he’s back in Rimini where he gets hired as Web Designer for an IT company. In 2008 he feels ready to strike out on his own and founds Playart Studio. In mid-2014 he moves to London in order to broaden his horizons. An era ends, a legend begins. More or less. C’mon.

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